Food & beverages

Newsight’s spectral sensor – the NSP2020 detects spectral signatures in substances the range of 400nm to 700nm. Each substance tested have a unique signature collected from the returning signal, thus making it a portable and affordable analysis device, that could be used in many applications.


In the food & beverage industry, Newsight’s technology can be utilized for quality assurance in the production lines. Newsight’s CMOS spectral sensor is used to provide a more detailed analysis of substances to achieve enhanced safety and health. With one chip, implemented in the production line can be able to assess the quality of the drink during production, and detect the presence of toxins. The market needs are for a simpler, more straightforward implementation of spectral imaging with minimal training of users, especially in high volume production applications. Newsight’s technology simplifies and accelerates the analysis and diagnosis of many substances, even running liquids. The MCU on-chip is processing data on the fly, making it the perfect IoT device for production purposes, it facilitates decision-making and is improved over time with a large data base of AI algorithms. These advantages make for a breakthrough in the field.


With Newsight’s spectral technology, your company can assess the percentage of alcohol in your beverage without the need of extensive lab evaluation. Using SpectraLIT™️, you can evaluate each drink individually and assess the alcohol levels in each drink. The new SpectraLIT™️app allows you to analyze your substance at a laboratory level, all in the convenience of your mobile phone. The app uses Bluetooth to connect wirelessly, so that you will be able to collect all of the tested data samples and have them available at you palm.

Food Detection

SpectraLIT™️ is a first of its kind portable spectrometer, that allows you to detect different criteria in your food or beverage. Allergens are a very sensitive realm in food manufacturing and sending each and every piece of food manufactured to be tested in a bio-lab is just not an option. With Newsight’s Spectral analysis technology, you can scan each piece of food on the production line for allergens, all using light only, at an ultra-speed. The IoT interface of this sensor allows real time alerts during the inspection, thus making it the perfect fit for on-going mass production.